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Конада Нью Материалс Технолоджи Лтд

Ведущий мировой производитель нано- и ультратонких оксидов металлов



Оксид олова сурьмы (Порошок АТО)

Оксид олова сурьмы (Порошок АТО) is an important functional material with many roles and applications.
Here are its main functions:
1, Heat insulation: tin antimony oxide (Порошок АТО) in the visible light band absorption is very weak, can effectively block infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation, blocking infrared effect of more than 80%, blocking ultraviolet effect of more than 65%. Следовательно, it is commonly used as glass insulation materials, and has an important position in the field of building energy conservation. Например, new glass thermal insulation coatings and new thermal insulation intermediate membranes are practical application cases.

2, electrical conductivity: tin antimony oxide (Порошок АТО) has good electrical conductivity, can be uniformly dispersed conductive nanoparticle interaction to form a conductive film, conductive film charge movement can achieve high transmittance and anti-static (10^4-10^ 10ω effect. This conductivity makes it widely used in coatings, Пластмасс, текстиль, electronics and other fields, such as as a conductive agent and insulation agent.

3, transparency: tin antimony oxide (Порошок АТО) ultrafine particles of visible light absorption is very weak, and by the visible light is difficult to scatter particles, so it has high transparency. This makes it an ideal material for manufacturing transparent, conductive films that play a key role in display technologies such as flat liquid crystal display (LCD), electron luminescent display (LED) and electronic color display (ECD).

4, durability: tin antimony oxide (Порошок АТО) is composed of chemically stable nano-particles metal oxide powder, heat, humidity and other external environment caused by small changes in physical properties, so it can maintain permanent conductive properties.

5. Electromagnetic shielding: The attenuation of tin antimony oxide (Порошок АТО) to microwave makes it suitable for computer rooms, radar shielding protection areas and other fields that need to shield electromagnetic waves.

6, insulating materials: due to its good electrical properties and chemical stability, tin antimony oxide can be used for the production of insulating materials. Например, it can be used as a thin film insulation material in electronic components such as capacitors and printed circuit boards.

Отправить по электронной почте: fizz.zhao@konada.cn

Отправить по электронной почте: alvin.xu@konada.cn


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