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Knowledge about alumina powder

Alumina is a high-hardness compound, белый порошок, нерастворим в воде, odorless and tasteless. Alumina is a typical amphoteric oxide, soluble in inorganic acids and alkaline solutions, almost insoluble in water.

The industrial preparation methods of alumina are Bayer process, sulfuric acid process and chlorination process. The advantages of the Bayer process are simple process, low energy consumption and high product quality, so it occupies an important position in the aluminum industry. The advantage of sulfuric acid method is that it has strong adaptability to bauxite, especially for some bauxite with high impurities. The advantage of the chlorination process is that the obtained metal aluminum is high in purity.

Alumina is widely used in industry because of its high hardness and high melting point. It is used in the manufacture of refractory materials, керамика, crucible, cutting tools and so on. В дополнение, alumina is also used in the electronics industry to manufacture high-voltage capacitors, insulators and luminous materials. In the chemical industry, alumina is used as a catalyst and carrier, such as a cracking catalyst in the petroleum industry and a catalyst in the production of sulfuric acid.

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