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Конада Нью Материалс Технолоджи Лтд

Ведущий мировой производитель нано- и ультратонких оксидов металлов



Введение в применение наноцезиевой вольфрамовой бронзы (также известен как наноцезия вольфрамат, Нанолегированный оксид вольфрама)

Nano-nickel oxide (Ni2O3) is a gray-black nickel oxide nanoparticle, which has a wide range of applications in materials science and catalysis. The following is an introduction to the properties and applications of nano nickel oxide:


1. Nanometer size: The particle size of nanometer nickel oxide is usually 20-30nm at the nanometer level, with high specific surface area and abundant surface reaction active sites.

2. Structure: nanometer nickel oxide can have different crystal structures, including spinel structure, cubic nickel oxide structure, и так далее., and its structure has an important impact on its catalytic performance and electrochemical performance.

3. Electrical properties: Nano nickel oxide has good electrical conductivity and is an important electron conduction material.


1. Катализатор: nanometer nickel oxide has a wide range of applications in the field of catalysis. Due to its high specific surface area and abundant surface active sites, nano nickel oxide catalysts show excellent catalytic activity and selectivity in gas purification, organic synthesis, clean energy and other fields.

2. Electrochemical materials: Nano nickel oxide can be used as cathode materials in electrochemical energy storage devices (such as supercapacitors, lithium-ion batteries, и так далее.). Its high electrical conductivity and good electrochemical properties can facilitate the energy storage and release process.

3. Sensor: Nano nickel oxide is widely used in the field of sensors, especially gas sensors. Nano nickel oxide can realize the sensitive detection of gas by adsorbing gas molecules and reacting with them, and is used in environmental monitoring, industrial safety and other fields.

4. Photocatalytic materials: nanometer nickel oxide has potential applications in the field of photocatalysis. It produces photoelectron-hole pairs by absorbing visible and ultraviolet light to facilitate photocatalyzed chemical reactions, such as water decomposition to produce hydrogen and degradation of organic pollutants.

As an important nanomaterial, nanometer nickel oxide (Ni2O3) has been widely used in the fields of catalyst, electrochemical material, sensor and photocatalysis. Its unique properties and structure give it excellent catalytic activity, electrochemical properties and sensing capabilities. With the development of nanotechnology, nano nickel oxide will continue to play an important role in the future, bringing more innovative applications in the fields of energy, environment and chemical industry.

Отправить по электронной почте: fizz.zhao@konada.cn

Отправить по электронной почте: alvin.xu@konada.cn


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