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Konada 새로운 물자 기술 Co., 주식 회사

세계 최고의 나노 및 초미세 금속 산화물 제조업체



In which fields does nano copper oxide have application value?

Nanometer copper oxide has shown remarkable application value in many fields. In the field of electronics, nano copper oxide exhibits excellent electrical conductivity, making it a popular choice for manufacturing electronic devices. Its high conductivity and low electron transport impedance give it a unique advantage in this field.
In the field of chemistry, nano copper oxide can be utilized to prepare catalysts for oxidation reactions, hydrogenation reactions, desulfurization, and other chemical reactions. As the main component of catalysts, it has been widely used in oxidation, hydrogenation, NO, CO reduction, hydrocarbon combustion, and other catalytic reactions.

또한, nano copper oxide also has promising applications in the field of biomedicine. It has good biocompatibility and bioactivity, making it suitable for use in the medical field. 예를 들어, the antibacterial properties of nano copper oxide can be utilized to create antibacterial materials for disinfection and antibacterial treatment of medical equipment and supplies.

동시에, nano copper oxide also shows great potential in sensor technology. Nanometer copper oxide offers high specific surface area, elevated surface activity, unique morphology, and extremely small size. These characteristics make it highly responsive to external factors like temperature, light, and moisture. Utilizing nanometer copper oxide in sensor technology can significantly enhance response speed, sensitivity, and selectivity of the sensor.

Finally, nano copper oxide can also be used to study the properties of photocatalysis, preparation of high-efficiency batteries, and so on. Its ability to photocatalyze the decomposition of organic pollutants makes it valuable for potential applications in the field of environmental protection.



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