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Konada Nuovi Materiali Technology Co., Ltd

Leader mondiale nella produzione di ossidi metallici nano e ultrafini



Le prestazioni della gomma migliorano dopo l'aggiunta di biossido di titanio?

After adding titanium dioxide, the performance of rubber is improved. In particular, the addition of titanium dioxide enhances its performance.

The performance improvement of rubber is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1.To enhance the antibacterial property of rubber, a specific amount of nano-titanium dioxide can be added.

To a significant boost.

2.To improve the anti-radiation performance, silicone rubber with nano-titanium dioxide is more effective than unmodified rubber.

After the same energy and dose of proton irradiation, the surface color deepened, and the extent of the surface crack damage decreased.

Allo stesso tempo, the increase in quality loss rate, the decrease in heat resistance, and the degree of change in shrinkage and expansion rate will also decrease, showing that.

The obvious irradiation resistance.

3. Improve Mechanical Properties: The addition of nanometer titanium dioxide can enhance the mechanical properties of the rubber, including increased strength and elasticity.

Degrees and tear strength increased significantly. Additionally, the heat resistance of rubber will increase accordingly. The experimental data also show that.

After adding nanoparticles, the rubber swelling ratio decreases, while the gel mass fraction and the crosslinking density increase.

4. Increase in Hardness and Strength: Biossido di titanio, when used as a reinforcing agent, can effectively enhance the hardness and strength of rubber.

Thanks to its fine particle size and high specific surface area, titanium dioxide can be evenly distributed in the rubber matrix.

Form an effective reinforcement network. This not only improves the rubber’s abrasion resistance, aging resistance, and weatherability but also extends its lifespan.

The service life of rubber products has been improved.

5.To improve stability, titanium dioxide can be used as a stabilizer to enhance the rubber’s performance under various conditions.

Qualitative. Its high specific surface area makes the interaction between titanium dioxide and rubber matrix closer, helping.

6.To prevent the discoloration, hardening, and cracking of rubber during use.

Enhanced UV Protection Performance: Titanium dioxide has excellent isolation properties, effectively preventing

Stop UV damage. Titanium dioxide added to rubber can significantly increase the UV protection performance of rubber.

It is safer and more reliable to use in an outdoor environment.

Titanium dioxide is added to rubber to significantly improve various performance aspects, including antibacterial properties and resistance.

Irradiation properties, mechanical properties, durezza, forza, stabilità, and UV protection. These improvements are significant.

The addition of titanium dioxide rubber has a broader range of applications in various fields.

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