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Konada Nuovi Materiali Technology Co., Ltd

Leader mondiale nella produzione di ossidi metallici nano e ultrafini

in compositoin materiale compositocontenente argentodi zirconiofosfato-KONADA


Materiale composito contenente fosfato di argento e zirconio

Nano-zirconium phosphate silver is an antibacterial agent that contains silver, with zirconium phosphate serving as the carrier. È un agente antibatterico inorganico costituito da fosfato di zirconio stratificato come vettore, with silver, zinc, and other metal ions serving as the antibacterial components, along with various additives. This composition enables the efficient release of silver ions, ensuring a continuous antibacterial effect. It possesses good antibacterial properties, sicurezza, and heat resistance, as well as good chemical stability. It can be added to various resins to act as an antibacterial agent, efficiently and broadly killing and eliminating various types of bacteria. Può anche essere usato come vettore per aiutare gli ioni d'argento a disperdersi uniformemente e ottenere un rilascio lento, thereby enhancing the antibacterial effect. Particolarmente adatto per fibre sintetiche (come il poliestere, polipropilene, nailon, and so on.) melt spinning and ceramic products with higher heat resistance requirements.When used, Viene aggiunto direttamente a varie resine sintetiche (come il PP, PE, PVC, PS, Animale domestico, ABS, and so on.), Rivestimenti, adesivi, ceramica, artificial stones, and synthetic fibers.The main applications of silver-carrying zirconium phosphate are:

(1) Plastic products with antibacterial functions can be found in various items such as refrigerator plastic cases, inner liners, telephone cases, computer keyboards, parti in plastica della lavatrice, power supply plastic switches, plastic water pipelines, plastic cutting boards, seats, fruit plates, and children’s toys.

(2) Una varietà di smalti quotidiani, ceramico, and glass products with antibacterial functions, come le ciotole, Piastre, Sanitari, and drinking utensils, are available.

(3) Textiles with antibacterial properties, come le fibre, lenzuola, Prodotti medicali e sanitari, and underwear, are available. Vari materiali per scarpe con funzioni antibatteriche e deodoranti, come la fodera centrale, fodera del viso, and insoles, are available.

(4) Vari materiali di imballaggio, come i sacchetti di plastica, scatole per imballaggio alimentare, and bag films;Add amount: Select the appropriate quantity based on the specific requirements.



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