Preparation and application of zinc oxide dispersion

Zinc oxide dispersion is a commonly used chemical reagent, which is made of zinc oxide powder dispersed in a liquid medium.

In the preparation of zinc oxide dispersion, the zinc oxide powder is usually dispersed in a solvent, such as water, ethanol or acetone, and an appropriate amount of surfactant is added when stirring to improve the dispersion stability of the zinc oxide powder in order to better disperse in the solvent. Continue stirring until the zinc oxide powder is completely dispersed in the solvent, and finally, the dispersion is filtered to remove impurities from the device to form a finished zinc oxide dispersion.

Zinc oxide dispersion is used in many fields. Such as:
Антибактериальные продукты: nano-zinc oxide in the sunlight and ultraviolet irradiation to decompose freely moving negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes, this hole can activate oxygen in the air into reactive oxygen species, can oxidize with most organic matter (включение органических веществ в бактерии), so as to kill most germs and viruses. Следовательно, nano zinc oxide dispersion can be used in the textile industry to produce antibacterial and anti-ultraviolet, ceramic products, и так далее.

Солнцезащитные средства: Because zinc oxide dispersion has excellent ultraviolet absorption properties, it can be used in the field of sunscreen and play an anti-ultraviolet role.

Катализатор: Дисперсия оксида цинка может способствовать катализу химических реакций, так его используют в катализаторах.

Conductive materials: nanometer zinc oxide has good conductive properties, so the zinc oxide dispersion is used as a conductive additive in conductive coatings, electronic devices and other fields.

The content of zinc oxide dispersions produced by Konada is between 30 и 45%, and the appearance is white or tan, and the details can be added to communicate.

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Отправить по электронной почте: alvin.xu@konada.cn


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