Что такое дисперсия оксида индия и олова?

Indium tin oxide dispersion (ITO dispersion) is a liquid product formed by evenly dispersing nanometer indium tin oxide (ИТО) powder in a specific solvent. The following is a detailed explanation of indium tin oxide dispersion:

I. Product overview

Composition: nanometer metal oxide powder mainly composed of indium oxide (In₂O₃) and tin oxide (SnO₂), which is obtained by a specific dispersion process.

Performance: Excellent electrical conductivity, transparency, heat insulation, infrared reflection characteristics.

Appearance: Depending on the solvent in the dispersion and the dispersion process, the appearance may be different, such as blue, yellow, и так далее.

Second, product characteristics

Small particle size and uniform particle size: After the dispersion treatment of nanometer ITO powder, the particles are small and uniform, which helps to better play its performance in the application.

Good dispersion: Through the advanced nano dispersion process, the ITO powder can be evenly dispersed in the solvent to form a stable dispersion solution.

High transparency: ITO dispersion has excellent transparency and can maintain a high visible light transmittance.

Excellent electrical conductivity: ITO as a transparent conductive material, its dispersion also has good electrical conductivity.

Reflection heat insulation: in the infrared region has good absorption and reflection characteristics, can be used to make heat insulation coatings or infrared products.

3. Application fields
Liquid crystal display: used to make transparent conductive electrode, is an important part of liquid crystal display.
Thermal insulation coating: as a functional additive, it is used to make thermal insulation coatings with high transmittance of visible light and high reflection of infrared light.

Transparent conductive coating: Used as a functional additive in transparent conductive coating to improve the conductivity and transparency of the coating.

Electromagnetic wave absorption: used to make functional auxiliaries for absorbing electromagnetic waves.

Other: It can also be used in the fields of high conductivity, high temperature and wear-resisting additives.

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