Тель: +86-18068556320 Электронная почта: sales@konada.cn

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Конада Нью Материалс Технолоджи Лтд

Ведущий мировой производитель нано- и ультратонких оксидов металлов


Оксид железа (FE203)/

Nano Iron Oxide Powder Manometer Ferric oxide diiron trioxide Fe2o3

Пункт Fe2o3
Чистота 99%
Внешний Red Powder
Storage Cool and Dry place
Размер зерна 150nm-250


Mainly used as magnetic materials, pigments, polishing agents, Катализаторов, и так далее., it is also used as inorganic red pigment in telecommunications and instrument industries. Mainly used for transparent coloring of coins, as well as coloring of paint, ink, и пластмасс.

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KONADA KND-FE200 iron oxide has fine particles and a large specific surface area (10 times that of ordinary iron oxide red). It has strong UV absorption performance and excellent light and atmospheric resistance.

When light is projected onto a paint film or plastic containing transparent iron oxide red pigment, it appears transparent. Relative density 5.7g/cm3, melting point 1396 . It is a new variety of iron based pigments with unique properties.

KONADA KND-FE200 iron oxide has fine particles and a large specific surface area (10 times that of ordinary iron oxide red). It has strong UV absorption performance and excellent light and atmospheric resistance. When light is projected onto a paint film or plastic containing transparent iron oxide red pigment, it appears transparent. Relative density 5.7g/cm3, melting point 1396 . It is a new variety of iron based pigments with unique properties.

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