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Введение нанооксида цинка (ВНО) раствор/диспергирование

Nanometer zinc oxide (ZnO) is an important nanomaterial with wide application prospect. It has excellent properties such as high transparency, photoelectric activity, chemical stability and biocompatibility, and has shown great potential in many fields.

Nano-zinc oxide solution/dispersion is a liquid system formed by uniformly suspending nano-zinc oxide particles in solvent. Nanometer zinc oxide solution/dispersion with spherical shape and small particle size can be obtained by suitable preparation method. These nano-zinc oxide solutions/dispersions have the following characteristics and applications:

1. High transparency: nanometer zinc oxide solution/dispersion has a high degree of transparency in the visible and ultraviolet light range, so it can be used in transparent electronic devices, оптические пленки и покрытия.

2. Photoelectric activity: Благодаря полупроводниковым свойствам нанооксида цинка, Нано-раствор/дисперсия оксида цинка может быть использован в применении фотокатализа, фотоэлектрические химические батареи, Светочувствительные материалы и фотокатализаторы.

3. Antibacterial properties: nano-zinc oxide solution/dispersion has excellent antibacterial properties, which can be used in the field of biomedicine in antimicrobial coating, medical device disinfection and infection control.

4. Нанокомпозитные материалы: Нанораствор/дисперсия оксида цинка может быть использован для получения нанокомпозитных материалов, такие как композитные материалы с полимерной матрицей, Композитные материалы с керамической матрицей и нанопокрытия, so as to improve the performance and function of the material.

5. Dye-sensitized solar cells: nano-zinc oxide is used as a photosensitizer in dye-sensitized solar cells, which can improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency and stability.

All in all, nano-zinc oxide solution/dispersion has a wide range of application prospects in energy, optoelectronics, biomedicine, materials science and other fields. With the deepening of relevant research and the continuous development of technology, nano zinc oxide solutions/dispersions will provide more possibilities and opportunities for various innovative applications.

Отправить по электронной почте: fizz.zhao@konada.cn

Отправить по электронной почте: alvin.xu@konada.cn


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