Нанометровый оксид меди показал замечательную практическую ценность во многих областях. Прежде всего, in the field of electronics, nano copper oxide has excellent electrical conductivity, so it is widely used in the manufacture of electronic devices. Его высокая проводимость и низкое сопротивление переноса электронов дают ему уникальное преимущество в этой области.
Во-вторых, in the field of chemistry, nano copper oxide can be used to prepare catalysts for oxidation reactions, реакции гидрирования, desulfurization and other chemical reactions. As the main component of catalyst, Он широко используется при окислении, гидрирование, НЕТ, CO, reduction, hydrocarbon combustion and other catalyst reactions.
В дополнение, nano copper oxide also has a good application prospect in the field of biomedicine. It has good biocompatibility and bioactivity and can be used in the medical field. Например, the antibacterial properties of nano copper oxide can be used to prepare antibacterial materials for disinfection and antibacterial treatment of medical equipment and medical supplies.
В то же время, Нанооксид меди также демонстрирует большой потенциал в сенсорных технологиях. Nanometer copper oxide has the advantages of high specific surface area, high surface activity, special foreign body and extremely small, so that it is very sensitive to the external environment such as temperature, light and moisture, and its application in the sensor field can greatly improve the response speed, sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor.
Наконец, Нанооксид меди также может быть использован для изучения свойств фотокатализа, preparation of high efficiency batteries and so on. Its ability to photocatalyze the decomposition of organic pollutants makes it a potential application value in the field of environmental protection.
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