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Конада Нью Материалс Технолоджи Лтд

Ведущий мировой производитель нано- и ультратонких оксидов металлов



Do you know anything about magnesium oxide dispersion?

MGO ethanol dispersion YM20C is a liquid product that evenly disperses MGO particles in an ethanol solvent. The YM20°C has unique properties and a wide range of application areas.

Firstly, due to ethanol being an excellent organic solvent, MGO ethanol dispersion YM200C exhibits outstanding solubility and dispersion. This enables the magnesium oxide particles to be uniformly distributed in the ethanol, creating a stable suspension.

The dispersion possesses a high specific surface area and reactivity, which is beneficial for enhancing the efficiency and uniformity of related chemical reactions.

Во-вторых, MGO ethanol dispersion YM200C finds extensive applications across various industries. In the coatings and ink sector, it serves as a filler and additive to enhance the gloss, wear resistance, and adhesion of coatings. In the rubber and plastics industry, it acts as a reinforcement and filler to enhance the mechanical and processing properties of materials. Дополнительно, MGO ethanol dispersion YM200C plays a crucial role in catalyst preparation, Электронные материалы, ceramic technology, и другие сферы.

Более подробная информация, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами!

Отправить по электронной почте: fizz.zhao@konada.cn

Отправить по электронной почте: alvin.xu@konada.cn


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