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What do you know about aluminum powder

Hydrophilic silica, also known as hydrophilic fumed silica, has a series of unique properties. まずは, from the point of view of physical and chemical properties, it is a white fluffy powder that is porous, 無毒, tasteless, non-polluting, and can withstand high temperatures.

第二に, from a chemical point of view, hydrophilic silica has excellent hydrophilicity and dispersion. It is hydrophilic, oleophobic, can be moistened by water, and uniformly dispersed in water, while hydrophobic silica, in contrast, cannot be wet by water, but can float on the surface of the water. Hydrophilic or hydrophobic type can be selected according to the situation.

さらに, hydrophilic silica also has excellent reinforcing properties. It can significantly improve the tensile strength, tear resistance and wear resistance of rubber products, making the strength of rubber improved by dozens of times. 同時に, it can also be used to regulate free flow, improve powder properties, and be used as an anti-caking agent.

Due to the unique characteristics of hydrophilic silica, it has a wide range of applications in the high-tech field, and the application field of hydrophilic silica is expanding, playing a leading role in the electronics, optical fiber industry, paints and coatings.

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