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ナノ酸化亜鉛,ナノZnOパウダー,カス 1314-13-2

Nano zinc oxide produced by Konada is widely used

1. Antibacterial and anti-mildew-nano zinc oxide: It can be used to produce various antibacterial products such as antibacterial plastics, antibacterial fibers, antibacterial films, and antibacterial ceramics. Adding 0.5-1.5% can be effectively antibacterial.

2. Anti-UV-nano zinc oxide: The product has obtained the China Chemical Raw Materials Submission Code and can be used in various types of sunscreens, sunscreen lotions, 等.

3. Zinc-nickel batteries, ナトリウム電池, 等.

For more application information, お問い合わせください.

  • 製品概要
  • Product Parameters

Konada uses the supergravity-microexplosion process to produce nano zinc oxide. The product has controllable particle size, 高純度, large specific surface area, fluffy volume, excellent antibacterial performance,

and good dispersion performance. It can be used in various antibacterial and anti-mildew products. UV products, deodorization and other applications.

アイテム Nano Zinc Oxide Powder Nano Zinc Oxide Liquid
純度 ≥99.9% ≥30%,≥40%
ASPの(TEM) 20海里,50海里,100海里,1-2ウム 10-30海里,30-50海里
ホワイトパウダー ホワイトリキッド,Yellow Liquid

