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専門用語ナノ粒子, ナノ酸化ジルコニウム, コントラスチン, ジルサイト

Product Description

The layered zirconium phosphate carrier independently developed and produced by our company has high purity and small particle size. This product has sodium ion exchange
The rate has reached the international leading level. It has been widely used in medicine, water treatment, 触媒, composite materials and other fields.
Domain, products have been exported to Europe, America, 日本, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places.

[Product Features]
1. Choose a new template agent in the production process to replace the toxic Material in the old process, so that the product can truly achieve safety.
Complete, non-toxic, green and environmentally friendly
2. Normal pressure production, easy preparation, regular product crystal form, layered interface thickness less than 50nm, average grain size
Size is 1-1.5um
3. Insoluble in water and organic solvents, high chemical stability
4. Large specific surface area and high sodium ion exchange rate

  • 製品概要
  • Product Parameters
  • Characterics

Nano-zirconia is a white solid with a molecular weight of 123.22, a melting point of 2397°C, and a boiling point of 4275°C. It has high hardness, is an insulator at room temperature, and has excellent conductivity at high temperatures.

アイテム Unit 標準
トレオ % >98.5
La2O3/TREO % >99.95
CeO2/TREO % <0.005
Pr6O11/TREO % <0.003
Cl- % <0.05
Fe2O3 % <0.002
粒 度D50 μm ≤1.7

1.水にやや溶ける, 酸に溶けやすく、対応する塩を生成します, 空気にさらされると二酸化炭素と水に吸収されやすい, 徐々に炭酸ランタンに変わります.

2.屈折率を向上させることができます, 機械的強度, 耐水性, ガラスのばらつきを低減, 熱膨張係数, 融解温度を上げる, ガラスの結晶化と相分離を容易にします.

詳細情報, お問い合わせください.


