Die Vorteile der Zinkoxiddispersion in textilen Anwendungen

1. Antibacterial and anti-ultraviolet performance: nano-zinc oxide under sunlight and ultraviolet irradiation, can decompose negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes, Aktivieren Sie den Sauerstoff in der Luft zu reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies, and most organic matter (einschließlich organischer Substanz in Bakterien) oxidation reaction, tötet so die meisten Keime und Viren ab. This anti-bacterial and anti-ultraviolet properties make zinc oxide dispersion ideal for anti-bacterial and anti-ultraviolet treatment of textiles.

2.Umweltschutz: im Vergleich zu herkömmlicher Textilschlämme wie PVA (Polyvinylalkohol) nano zinc oxide dispersion has a lower COD value (Sauerstoffverbrauch), und bessere Löslichkeit, without high temperature cooking, Dadurch werden der Energieverbrauch und die Umweltbelastung reduziert. The use of nano zinc oxide dispersion modified starch mixture to partially replace PVA is helpful to reduce the amount of PVA in pure cotton yarn sizing and alleviate the pollution of desizing wastewater to water ecological environment.

3.Verbessern Sie die Leistung der Gülle: the addition of nano-zinc oxide dispersion can significantly reduce the viscosity of the slurry, improve the fluidity and adhesion of the slurry, which is conducive to the spreading of the fiber, Einen engen Kontakt auf molekularer Ebene herstellen, and then improve the bonding strength. The addition of nanometer zinc oxide can also increase the breaking strength of yarn, Reduzieren Sie den Haarigkeitsindex des Garns und verbessern Sie die Garnwebfähigkeit.

4. Functional enhancement: Die Zinkoxid-Dispersion bietet nicht nur eine antibakterielle und anti-ultraviolette Funktion, but also can adjust its performance according to needs through special processes, such as the introduction of modified nano zinc oxide, which can further enhance the antibacterial, bactericidal and washable resistance of textiles to meet the needs of specific application scenarios.

5. Cost effectiveness: Although the production cost of nano-zinc oxide dispersion may be slightly higher than that of traditional materials, considering the performance improvement and environmental benefits brought by it, Seine Anwendung in der Textilindustrie ist nach wie vor kostengünstig.

Zusammenfassend, the application of zinc oxide dispersion in textiles has the advantages of antibacterial and anti-ultraviolet, Umweltschutz, improvement of slurry performance, functional enhancement and cost-effectiveness.

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