
What is ATO powder, a brief introduction to the use of ATO powder

مسحوق أتو, also known as Antimony Tin Oxide (اتو) ذرور, is a metal oxide nano-microparticle powder made from a combination of antimony oxide (Sb2O3) and tin oxide (SnO2). It is characterized by its non-resistive transparent conductivity, which is achieved through the interaction of uniformly dispersed conductive nano-microparticles that form a conductive film. This conductive film allows for high transmittance and anti-static properties (up to 30Ω.cm2).

ATO powder has a wide range of applications due to its unique properties. It is commonly used in various glasses, بلاستيك, and resins to provide transparent, conductive, anti-static, UV and infrared shielding capabilities. الاضافه الي ذلك, its small particle size and uniform distribution allow it to be easily dispersed into various carriers, enabling broader application in industries such as semiconductors, electronic display tubes, LEDs, energy conservation and environmental protection, anti-static, and radiation protection.

ATO powder is also known for its high transparency, as it has a very weak absorption rate for visible light (380-780نانومتر). This makes it suitable for use in applications where transparency is important, such as coatings, بلاستيك, منسوجات, and electronics. Furthermore, ATO powder has good thermal insulation properties due to its ability to reflect and shield infrared radiation, resulting in significant transparent thermal insulation effects.

باختصار, ATO powder is a versatile material with excellent conductive, transparent, anti-static, UV and infrared shielding properties. Its wide range of applications and ease of dispersion into various carriers make it a valuable addition to many industries.

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