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ماذا تعرف عن هيدروكسيد النيكل?

Nickel hydroxide is an inorganic compound with diverse properties and a wide range of applications. The following is a detailed analysis of nickel hydroxide:

1. Basic Information

Chemical formula: Ni(وا)2

English name: Nickel hydroxide

CAS login number: 12054-48-7

Molecular weight: 92.71

Appearance: green powder or light green crystalline powder

Melting point: 230°C (decomposition)

Density: 4.10-4.15 g/cm³

Water-soluble: slightly soluble, but soluble in acid and ammonium hydroxide

2. Physical and chemical properties

Nickel hydroxide is solid at room temperature and has a green appearance.

It is slightly soluble in water, but soluble in acid and ammonium hydroxide solutions.

When heated, nickel hydroxide will slowly dehydrate, and most of it will be converted to nickel oxide (II) at 230°C.

Under alkaline conditions, nickel hydroxide can be oxidized by chlorine and bromine, but it cannot be oxidized by iodine.

3.Safety and Toxicity

Nickel hydroxide and its dust may pose a health hazard, so it is necessary to avoid inhaling the dust and wear appropriate protective clothing when using it.

According to the list of carcinogens published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, nickel compounds are classified as Class 1 carcinogens. لذلك, the use and handling of nickel hydroxide must strictly comply with safety norms.

Nickel hydroxide residues and containers must be disposed of as hazardous waste to prevent their release into the environment.

4. Application Field

Battery Material: Nickel hydroxide is a crucial component in the production of nickel-metal hydride batteries and nickel-cadmium batteries. These batteries find extensive applications in household appliances, mobile communication devices, الفضاء, and various other industries.

Nickel hydroxide serves as an excellent catalyst, suitable for hydrogenation, hydrolysis, and REDOX reactions. It plays a crucial role in the chemical and oil refining industries.

Ceramic materials: Nickel oxide ceramics prepared from nickel hydroxide exhibit high temperature stability, electrical properties, and thermal expansion coefficient. They can be utilized in the production of high-temperature ceramic capacitors, ceramic resistors, and other applications.

الطلاءات والأصباغ: Nickel hydroxide can be utilized as a material for specialized coatings, offering excellent corrosion and heat resistance. It can also serve as an additive for paints and pigments.

Pharmaceutical Field: Nickel hydroxide can be utilized as a raw material for the synthesis of other medications. It can also serve as a catalyst for anti-tumor drugs and antibiotics.

Other uses: Nickel hydroxide can also be used to prepare magnetic materials, ceramic magnets, adsorption materials, الخ. It is also applied in aerospace, automotive industry, وغيرها من المجالات.

باختصار, nickel hydroxide is an inorganic compound with diverse physicochemical properties and wide-ranging applications. When using and handling it, it is essential to strictly adhere to safety regulations to safeguard the health of personnel and the environment.

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