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كونادا مواد جديدة التكنولوجيا المحدودة

الشركة الرائدة عالميا في تصنيع أكاسيد النانو والمعادن فائقة الدقة


رابع أكسيد الكوبالت(Co3O4)/

Nanoscale material Cobaltous Oxide Nano CoO















1. Used as a coloring agent and pigment for glass and ceramics, as well as hard alloys.

2. Oxidants and catalysts in the chemical industry.

3. Used in semiconductor industry, electronic ceramics, positive electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries, magnetic materials, temperature and gas sensors.


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  • معلمات المنتج

Konada cobalt oxide (Co3O4), as an important functional material, has the advantages of unique structural properties, good material properties, high economic benefits, and strong stability, and is widely used.

بند براني نقاء morphology Average grain diamete عظا
DXN-CO50 Black powder 99.000% sphere 50نانومتر 50m2/g
DXN-4CO50 Black powder 99.000% sphere 50نانومتر 20m2/g
DXN-4CO100 Black powder 99.000% sphere 60-120 5m2/g
DXN-GO200 Black powder 99.000% sphere 200 >0.5m2/g

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