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كونادا مواد جديدة التكنولوجيا المحدودة

الشركة الرائدة عالميا في تصنيع أكاسيد النانو والمعادن فائقة الدقة


نانو إنديوم أكسيد القصدير

Nano-indium tin oxide produced by Konada, referred to as nano-ATO:
According to the ratio of indium oxide and tin oxide, it can be divided into two types: 90:10 and 95:5.
According to resistivity, it can be divided into:
Resistivity (2Mpa) <50Ω-cm
Resistivity (2Mpa)<20Ω-cm
Resistivity (2Mpa)<5Ω-cm
2. What are Konada's conductive metal oxides?
In addition to providing nanometer indium tin oxide (ايتو), Konada can also provide conductive zinc oxide (AZO), conductive antimony tin oxide (اتو), conductive mica powder, الخ.
3. Can Konada process conductive coating liquid?
Konada can process conductive liquids that can be coated according to your requirements.
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